Oh friends, we had the best little adventure. Right before school got underway again (not always my favorite time of year, ahem) we stole away to see my sister Amy and brother-in-law Greg who live in Reno, Nevada. Our time allowed us to head to Yosemite National Park, I can't tell you how magical the landscape is. We saw deer, a bear, the most amazingly beautiful mountains and vistas, waterfalls, snow (in August!), and had such laughs along the way. I'm still sort of processing our experience, certainly still processing our beautiful photos (how happy I was to have our new camera snapping away!) and sort of still basking in the post vacation glow. It made everything... nicer. Heading back to work I am much calmer, grounded and situated. So lovely. We absolutely fell in love with Lake Tahoe! Not only is it pristinly blue and lovely, but it was nestled in some of the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen. It felt much like our own coast in the Sierras. Lake Tahoe was just beginning to feel the smokey effects of the near by fires. Sadly, this area, including Yosemite, has turned into a very different place than it was while we were enjoying our time there. The Rim Fire has devastated some areas outside the park as well as some more remote parts of the park proper, yet the smoke (which we experienced on our last day and has really made Reno smokey) has made visiting this beautiful place difficult for many. We're so, so sad about the conditions in and around the park and our hearts go out to the thousands of firefighters and volunteers who are helping to put them out. If interested, Yosemite has put together information for those interested in helping... find them here. Happy Sunday everyone, how happy we are to have an extended weekend!