Some new fabrics and some sweet new scissors arrived today. I have a date with that stack and some geese this weekend. Summer is so close I can taste it and I'm so looking forward to having my days back to sew and create. Delicious. I've been hoarding collecting voiles for a bit now. I picked some up at Alewives during our Maine trip in April, and I picked up a few more at Franklin Mill Store on my birthday with a sweet gift card from my favorite guy. I wanted to add one or two more prints so I bought a very, very small bit of a few from Hawthorne Threads this week and am so glad I did. They really brighten up that stack. This will be a simple but eclectic patchwork quilt, that hopefully will be a quick little project. I'm going to back this one with voile as well and tie it at the corners. I'm needing something quick and (hopefully) easy. Perfect for a long weekend and a taste of summer... so, so close! Happy Wednesday everyone, I hope you are similarly finding the light at the end of the tunnel.