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I love the Oscars... did you watch? Really I love stories and this year there were some amazing stories told through film. The Social Network, Inception, Black Swan, The King's Speech, The Fighter... all really exceptionally wonderful films and so incredibly different. The NY Times does a mock ballot each year... this was mine. Not so great, I really couldn't decide between The King's Speech and The Social Network. Anyway, the show was great... I was sad Amy Adams didn't win though, I think she is a gutsy performer (again... she was also exceptional in Doubt) but I'm sure her time will come. Colin Firth has long been a favorite of mine, I can't tell you how many times I've seen this, but it was fantastic to see him win.
Around these parts, the random number generator chose the winner of the Stitch magazine and that was... i'd love to win this copy! the weather is so beautiful this weekend, i've been working a bit on my quilt top but i think the outside is calling me and i'll be going for a long walk with my dog... and by the way, i think our dogs look a bit alike! Bookwormbethie (#5) Congrats and I'll be in touch!
Happy Monday everyone, hope you're off to a beautiful week!