This lovely echinacea bloom is outside of our front door right now... I love it, it reminds me of the sunset and is my attempt at finding inner peace and "serenity now!" My brand new computer has been acting a little strange since... well... the day we got it. Seems like the data transfer from the old computer caused some trouble. Who would have thought? First, it wouldn't really allow me to make changes to the hard drive, then it wouldn't allow me to do anything without typing my password every. single. time. Then it wouldn't read PDF files. Then Safari stopped working after the Apple Care people walked me through a fix. All very troubling. We had to back up all of my files. I had a mild freak out. Ok, not so mild (serenity now!). I realized really nothing on my old computer (including all of our photos) are truly organized and need to be. I put that off for another day and restored the computer to factory settings. Which involved a man on a phone telling me to erase the hard drive. Our conversation went something like this... Me: "So I should push 'Erase' now, right?" Apple Man: "Yup." Me: "Right now?" Apple Man: "You backed everything up, right?" Me: "Yup... I think I did." Apple Man: "Go ahead, then." Me: "This is terrifying" Apple Man (laughs): "Yup, most definitely." Serenity Now!
Everything seems to be running as it should be. Oh me of little faith. Back with a bit more this week... I hope your weekend was as restful and nonterrifying as can be.