Much to do this weekend... the end of vacation means, for me, attending to things that I've put off and meant to take care of during this too short week. It's laundry, grading, putting in comments for the end of term, preparing for the week ahead and adjusting to life in reality. And yet, it's also much peeking outside... to see Rob working away at the wood pile for the coming (oh, too soon) fall and winter seasons, to see the forsythia in all of its glory, to wonder back at that sweet little redish/pink bird the likes we've never seen around our feeder. This weekend has been lovely... curtains have been re-hung, plans have been made for sewing, new sewing tools have been bought and placed in their spots in the loft, Miss Kylie has found the sun, I fell in love with ranunculus... again. And these days have me thinking (with much anticipation!) about the coming summer... the projects that will be started and (hopefully) finished, the spying that will be done through open windows, the adventures that will be had during those beautiful days that are all my own. Soon, soon. Happy weekend everyone!