Just a few technical changes here on the blog mostly having to do with organization. New buttons are on the right side of the blog, see them hanging out over there? I really love the color, which will match a new banner soon-ish! I found them here, if you're interested. Some of you might use BlogLovin or Google Reader (not for long, unfortunately but there are some alternatives) to keep track of blogs, so far, I've just used bookmarks which is... much less efficient than some of the Blog-keeping programs out there. I very, very recently started using BlogLovin and you can find me here, if you'd like to follow this little blog of mine... I love how streamlined the look is:
...much, much better than Safari bookmarks... that I sent me into a panic during the great computer "erase the hard drive" debacle of last summer. So much easier.
And further jumping into the 21st century... finally... I am also on Instagram. Taking very, very bad photos of (mostly Kylie) but also dinners and of course, the fabric that comes to our door in the mail. I don't yet have an iPhone, which might account for my less than stellar photos. I just recently bought an iPod touch, mostly to hold my music while I complete a Run to 10K program this Spring and Summer. I'm surprised at how much I love it (both the iPod and the running!). It is really perfect for the time being, and is just what I need.
Hope you enjoy these little tiny changes around these parts... I have some fabric to show you a bit later (it was a perfectly wonderful mail week I tell you!) and my vacation has begun... I love vacation. Happy Sunday everyone.