Today, I am...
* Making binding for the quilt... I love the brightness of this print!
* Looking forward to watching last night's The Walking Dead, and hoping Daryl comes back!
* Fielding work emails on vacation, I know, I know.
* Enjoying a little lip gloss, even while just finishing a quilt... maybe because I'm finishing a quilt!
* Avoiding two baskets of laundry that desperately need folding.
* Watching my sweet girl find the sun and sleep soundly.
* Thinking that this favorite fabric should have been something I stockpiled, I'm down to my last few bits.
* Loving that my guy is just down the hall when I need a hug or smile.
* Wishing that I had scooped up one of these bundles while they were available.
* Dreaming of opening a little store... but happily watching this one turn two and this one for inspiration.
* Contemplating putting the loft back in order... it looks like thread exploded everywhere up there...
* Preferring to fold said laundry to cleaning the loft!
* Vacationing... oh, yes!
Happy Monday everyone, I hope it finds you enjoying whatever this day brings your way!