Linocut Print Block Print Poster "Hello" from Cursive Arts Etsy Shop
Well hello! Not much to report here other than I survived my first week of hellish (granted just two meetings but 5 hours each... eek!) classes. Survived the 10:30 pm arrival home and 5:30 am wake up the next morning to head to work... and I think things are going to be alright. Of course they are, I should have known, but the anticipation of just exactly what all of this would mean for my life and work was daunting. The discovery of the week was that I actually have an unexpected break in between class and my thesis, a week off the first week in July which I am just in love with. I was expecting a break of a few days in between these two classes and the thesis work, certainly not from June 29th to July 9th... which was lovely to hear. So, all is well.
Last weekend we watched a bit of the Queen's Jubilee festivities, and instantly I was missing England. Kylie and I were in England for the Jubilee celebrations last time and I suddenly found myself missing my visits there... hopefully Rob and I will make it there soon. On the home-front We're finally ready for curtains in the loft, and there is absolutely no way I will be sewing them... it isn't going to happen so I splurged on these even though I'm in desperate need of a new one of these. Seriously, my MacBook is hateful, and sometimes gets so hot it burns my legs! Not ideal for writing papers and conducting research, but we're making do and I feel like I'm on my way. Today, I'm leaving you with some beautiful Etsy finds... lovely turquoise and blues. Happy weekend, I hope you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as well!
Turquoise Circle Lace Coin Purse from Humoresque Esty Shop (I adore this shop)
Antique Bottle Collection from Hindsvik Etsy Shop
George Nelson Boltabest Tray from AM Radio Etsy Shop
Vintage Blue Woven Blanket from Hindsvik Etsy Shop
Vintage Storage Tin from Haven Vintage Etsy Shop
Kindle/Nook Cover - EReader Case from Vintage Book Cover from Chic Lit Designs Esty Shop