Windham's Shelburne Circus Fabrics found here
A month is too long, isn't it? But it has been a month (almost) away from this space as my life resembles that three ring circus pictured above more often than not. Minus the elephants, thankfully. Anyway, Happy April, happy equinox, happy Spring if it's found you! We've had it around these parts since February. We're allowed to gloat about that, remember the deck last February? Ha! That was something. Really all I'm thinking of right now is completing this work in front of me and getting back to a more centered and creative way of life. I'm in the homestretch with one class and have just signed myself up for a few summer classes. We'll celebrate August 4th! Until then, I thank those of you who have emailed and commented asking how things are going. They're and we're well... but I miss sewing and having free time to do so desperately. My picture a day pledge for this year just really isn't going to happen, and realistically, I'm fine with that... next year. I am on Twitter and Pinterest (they're perfect quick pop-ins for me when I have a few minutes before classes or at the end of the day). I'm still getting used to Twitter, and sometimes feel a little fish-out-of-water with it and the conversations that happen so if you are on, I'd love to know. Pinterest continues to inspire me. Here are some recent finds!
(image credits from 1. Colorful Wall Design Sponge 2. Gingham Love Atlantic Pacific 3.Keyhole Dress Old Navy 4. Those green chairs La Maison D'Anna G 5. Chicoppee by Denyse Schmidt Sew Mama Sew 6. Benchwright Buffet Pottery Barn 7. Raskog Trolley Ikea 8. Shelburne Circus Fabric 2Girls Fabrics 9. Sticker Shock Enducing Coach Felicia Leather Slim Duffle Purse Page)