Craspedia Cluster from Floredelsol Etsy Shop
I'm still here! What's kept me? Well, the snow... sigh... oh, the snow. What was forecasted to be 6-10 inches of new stuff turned into 20 today. In the past days that I've been away from this space, we've had four storms and three snow days. Turn those into sew-days I said to myself... ha! Today turned into a stress ridden day instead. Rob was needed back in Seattle for work and he headed out yesterday to avoid getting stuck here in the snow... again, we thought maybe 8 inches, no problem. I woke up this morning to snow on the window sill... always a bad sign. With the two feet of packed snow and ice on the roof... said roof began grumbling (a weird settling sound) showing seams in places there shouldn't be seams (very different seams than I had planned for the day, I tell you) and some scary nail heads began to peep out and say hello. We were saved for the time being by the ingenuity of Rob's mom and her husband Chip who rigged up the most fantastic roof rake (they're sold out everywhere around here). I suggested we set up a small business selling these on Etsy, Chip's arms after the whole process was over told him it wasn't worth it. I will be happy to see Spring... and Rob.
In other news... since I completely missed the start of the Blogger's Block-a-palooza, I'm actually thinking of using that yellow-tan-blue stack to join a different quilt along - a support group for a pattern I've been putting off for oh, say, two years. The Single Girl Quilt Along is starting in a few weeks and I'm thinking it might be perfect for that pretty stack, and an inspiration to start that darn quilt... with all it's hand cutting. And how wonderful is Katie who developed a paper piecing method that seems well, so much easier. When feeling in my fingers returns and the snow-blower callous disappears I think I'll give it a go.
For those with a morbid curiosity, more snow photos exist here... and if you know someone (besides me!) in CT send them some love... they need it! The snow people, the snow! Happy Thursday...