"Vive La Tarte" Sewing Illustrations from Miyuki Sakai
I recently came across the work of Miyuki Sakai in the June issue of Martha Stewart Living (a bonus love, I love Martha) and I could simply not stop looking at these illustrated plates, they are simply breathtaking and it is impossible to imagine someone sewing the detail that exists on these works of art. Take a peek (a close peek!) at Miyuki's work, her portfolio is just as stunning as you suspect...
...are you noticing a baked-good theme here? I thought you might. Yes I love a baked good. Anyway, Miyuki's work reminds me of Penny Leaver Green's amazing illustrations... and her recent absolutely beautiful heirloom quilt just completed. If someone bought that quilt for me I would love them forever. Really. I would stare at it. Heaven.
So we're back to I Love Mondays here on this blog... mostly because in a few short weeks Monday is going to be a very difficult reality... again. Sigh... In the meantime, I'm relishing the things I love, enjoying long hours in the loft, and watching things change all around me. I wish you a very lovely start to the week!